Wednesday 24 June 2015

Treat Glaucoma Successfully with Laser Eye Surgery

Today, glaucoma is considered one of the major reasons for blindness in the world. This is a severe eye disease which involves high pressure in the eyes. But, if discovered early, it can get treated successfully.  There are myriad of treatments available to treat glaucoma and the most efficient one is with the help of surgery. This is done in case all other options for treating glaucoma have failed.
The term glaucoma is a combination of several eye problems which have same mechanism of destroying the eye sight. It will directly destroy your optic nerve and the main root of this disease is still unclear. But the facts show that people who are over 40 years of age, those who have eye history of such disease and black people have higher chances to get affected by this disease.
In general, glaucoma can be treated with some medications. However, if those medications can not work, eye surgery is the only method. Depending upon the severity, either a filtering microsurgery or laser treatment is performed. These surgeries result in lowering down the eye pressure by removing the excess fluid from the aqueous humor, or they reduce the production of the fluid. The recovery period after the surgery is important in the treatment of glaucoma eye disease.
Speaking about laser surgery for glaucoma; this is an operation used for open angle glaucoma which is a quick and safe process requiring no recovery time. Let us cast a glance below to know more about this surgery.
  • The laser is focused at drainage channels in the eye and a tiny hole will be made to help the fluid drain out. In this surgery, the drainage capabilities of the eye are enhanced leading to reduce the eye pressure.

  • This type of surgery is recommended when the condition is not so bad as well as there is not much damage to the optic nerve.

  • The recovery involved in this type of surgery is very short, but you should not strain your body through lifting or bending for a week or two.

  • Once done with laser surgery for glaucoma, the person must visit the ophthalmologist for regular eye checkups.

Well, undergoing laser surgery for glaucoma is not something which anybody wants to have to go through. The best thing to avoid it is that if a person gets regular check-ups and takes care of his eye health, then there are the chances that they might never have to undergo glaucoma operation. Taking care of your health is always the smartest thing that you can do for yourself.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Filler Treatment- Helping You Fix Your Acne Scars Easily

No matter one's age, acne is never welcomed by anyone. Be it adults or teenagers, individuals who are suffering from acne, whether mild or moderate, look out for effective ways to get rid of it. Many of them turn to the prescriptions or local store products while many of the others found success through various procedures and treatments available at local clinics.
For many of the individuals, skin care is a priority and cosmetic industry has fulfill those demands with various procedures. If you want to reduce appearance of acne scars, wrinkles and fine lines or want to add some fullness to cheeks and lips, then filler treatment is a solution for you. This is a temporary treatment which offers immediate results without surgery.
Let us have a look at various facts describing how do filler treatment for acne scars work and whether it can fit your needs or not.
There are various kinds of fillers used to enhance the facial features. Some of them are made up of collagen, which is naturally present in bones and teeth. While some fillers are made up of hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyl apatite which are found especially around the eyes and human bones respectively. Polylactic acid is a synthetic filler which stimulates the collagen production. This filler is different from the other type of fillers that it does not produce immediate results. Rather, collagen formation increases over time while producing the gradual results.
During filler treatment for acne scars, you usually get immediate results. Filler treatments are a good way to delay a more permanent and costly procedure such as face lift or brow lift. However, it is important to remember that the results of fillers are only temporary. If you want to maintain these results, you will need regular injections. Without maintenance, skin will return to its normal state as it was before undergoing the treatment.
Filler treatment for acne scars require no recovery period and you can go back to work right away and resume your everyday activities. There may be some swelling or bruising for several days after the procedure, but it will go away over time. Some complications such as rashes, infections, bleeding and numbness can occur, but these are not so common. For any concerns, consult your surgeon and don't treat yourself.

Cataract Laser Surgery- The Best Cure For Your Sensitive Eyes

With growing age, many of the elderly people will end up having cataracts. It is a condition, where the eye will be covered with the white matter resulting to blurry vision. Since vision is very important for all of us, cataract has the tendency to affect your day-to-day activities such as driving and others.

In a way, cataract can affect the overall quality of your life. If it is not dealt with on time, it may also lead to blindness. Not only it occurs in elderly people, but there are many cases where you will see the newborn suffering from this problem due to pregnancy complications. Cataract can be removed in a variety of ways but, one of the most efficient solution is cataract laser surgery.

The operations given for people who have this condition may be just the regular one depending on their physical condition and the severity of their cataract problem. Basically, they will suggest cataract laser surgery to a patient only if they find out that patient's body can tolerate it. The physician needs to monitor the patient after this treatment has been completed to help patients follow up properly.

When a patient is done with the surgery, the surgeon would need to place the patient under anesthesia as cataract laser surgery can still be painful. Once this procedure is completed, it is now possible for the surgeon to remove the white particle from the eye which gives the patient a blurry vision. This substance will be removed using laser solution or ultrasound.

Once it has been done, an artificial lens will be placed in order to help the vision. After the surgery, it is crucial for the patient to ensure that they will not do something that will strain their body. For example, they are prescribed not to carry heavy items as it will affect their recovery. As long as they follow the advices of their doctor, patients will recover as soon as possible and can bring back their daily activities.

Cataract laser surgery treatment provides you with numerous benefits allowing you to improve your day-to-day activities, self confidence, work and safety. If you want to learn more about this treatment, you should consult your eye doctor regarding the various cataract laser surgery treatments available to you.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Laser Eye Surgery- For A Better Vision!

Good vision and eyesight can make or mar the quality of a person's life. The traditional method of correcting vision is through spectacles or contact lenses. In recent times, however, laser surgery has become a much-sought-after alternative. The laser is aimed at the cornea, the outer circular structure known as iris, that shields the colored part of the eye and the pupil. In correcting myopia, for example, the laser is set to decrease the thickness of the cornea. This makes it possible for the eye to bring images into focus accurately.
Not only does it correct the eyesight but it is also helpful in resolving many other disorders associated with the eyes. Let us have a look at a few of them below.
Laser Surgery For Eye Floaters
Eye floaters is a very irritating and stressing problem which can bring untold suffering to the way you carry on with your daily life besides posing a risk of reduced vision or total blindness. In patients suffering with floaters, the gel loses its form and either condenses inside the eye, or peels away from the retina. As light passes through the eye, the light strikes the floaters and casts shadows on to the retina. The vitreous floaters and shadows are what someone who has floaters sees moving in their vision.
The traditional Eye Floater Treatment used to resolve it is-- laser surgery. Laser removal entails breaking up the floaters using a laser, but this surgical procedure cannot be provided for everyone. To qualify for this treatment, there can only be a small number of floaters, and the gap between the floaters and the lens, plus the distance between the floaters and the retina, must meet strict criteria. Additionally, floaters that are extremely flexible or very large cannot be treated using this method. What is more, laser removal can be quite a risky process, and there is always the chance that the procedure may not go to plan.
Laser Surgery For Glaucoma
Laser surgery is used to help control glaucoma. If you're using glaucoma medicines now, either eye drops or oral medications, you may be suffering from the side effects of these drugs. Some of the side effects you may not be aware of. You may want to get off these medicines but are concerned about the buildup of pressure in your eyes.
Glaucoma eye drops do have significant side effects and it's best if you can stop taking them provided you have an alternative and that alternative may be Laser Surgery For Glaucoma. Sometimes glaucoma medications don't work.
There are many good eye care centers that provide its patients the best treatment for many disorders related to eyes. These centers deal in various problems such as treating conjunctivitis, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy and hypertension in Olympia Fields. So, find out the best eye care center in your area and schedule your appointment.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Eye Care Center: What Services You Can Expect?

It is very important to take care of your eyes.  But there are many people who are scared of visiting eye doctor. They are scared of the procedures and of what they might be diagnosed with. Well, it is scary to have something wrong with your eyes. Won't you rather find out sooner than later to prevent blindness?
Services at eye care centers include a number of things. Doctors lookout for the diseases, check your vision and provide prescriptions whenever you need them. They allow you to catch the problems before they persist. There are many services that eye care centers can provide you. Finding a good one that is dedicated towards their work and will treat you with care is easy with a little research. There are myriad of different eye care options available for your most immediate needs. Let us have a look at a few of these.
Laser Surgery For Glaucoma
Glaucoma is an eye disease which involves high pressure in the eyes. This condition can gradually damage one's vision and even lead to permanent vision loss. During the laser surgery for Glaucoma, the surgeon will make holes and use them to shrink the clogged areas in the eye. The obvious purpose is to minimize the abnormally high eye pressure by draining the fluid in the eye. In detail, the surgeon will use a tiny but powerful light beam to make such holes. Since glaucoma can affect only one eye, glaucoma laser surgery may treat a sole eye.
Eye Floater Treatment
The primary causes of eye floaters are liquefactions in the vitreous jelly, retinal detachments, and inflammation and presence of red blood cells in the jelly. In terms of treatment, it all depends on the severity of the problem. If it is only a minor problem, then anti-inflammatory medicine, herbal extracts and antibiotic eye drops are all that is needed. However, if the problem is deemed severe, laser treatments or surgery may be necessary.
Filler Treatment For Acne Scars
Not only eye problems, but there are many eye care centers present out there in Olympia Fields that deal in various facial treatments such as Botox or filler treatment for acne scars. If you would like to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines or hide the acne scars, add some fullness to cheeks and lips, then filler treatments may be the answer. Filler treatment for acne scars are temporary treatments which offer immediate results without surgery.
The above described and many other eye care treatments are available with the professional eye care centers.

Thursday 2 April 2015

What are Common Eye Problems and How to Treat Them?

Eyes are the most precious organs of our body and yet the most neglected ones. Eye problems are growing at a rapid rate in the today's society and about 75% of the population have it. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to hear of visual problems such as Astigmatism, Blepharitis, Conjunctivitis, Corneal Abrasion, Diabetic Retinopathy, Glaucoma and the other hidden problems. What happens most of the times is that we may not be aware of these problems as most examinations doesn't look for hidden problems and these go untreated and undetected.
Corneal Abrasion
Speaking about corneal abrasion; it is a medical term for the loss of the eye's cornea epithelial layer. It occurs due to the result of injuries on eye's surface such as pricking with an object, too much rubbing and even accidentally crushing into a hard wall or surface. Additionally, the existence of foreign bodies in the eye causes scratching because they irritate the eye. When removing contact lenses, damage may occur unlike when it is still intact in the eye. Last but not least, Corneal Abrasion can also be due to excessively dry cornea.
Treatment for Corneal Abrasion
When you sense a foreign body, itchiness or blurry vision with your eye, you should treat it by cleaning the eye, so as to remove any particles of dust or sand responsible for the itchy feeling. Examine using a mirror if there are still any remaining particles and stop rubbing the eye since it might cause any infection that is present to spread to the whole eye.
When the pain does not subside, consider seeking medical assistance. Your doctor will examine the eye for any damage or infection, then remove particles if any are found and make sure that your vision is okay. One may then be prescribed some antibiotics, but corneal abrasions heal faster thus, pain relievers are mostly recommended. Unfortunately, in the case of large abrasions, corneal abrasion surgery may have to be done.
Diabetic Retinopathy
On the other hand, Diabetic Retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that mainly affects the eyes and it is the leading cause of blindness especially among diabetic adults aged between 20 and 74 years. It occurs when elevated blood sugar levels damage the tiny light sensitive blood vessels and tissues inside the retina.
Vitrectomy, one of the type of Diabetic Retinopathy Surgery, is one of the most effective treatments of this eye problem. Patients who may have bleeding in their vitreous gel, have severe formation of scar tissue and retinal detachment Vitrectomy may be performed because it may improve the vision. Another treatment for diabetic retinopathy is the laser treatment.
Diabetic retinopathy may be worsened and can cause blindness if treatment is not immediately made. In some instances, if patient have a late stage of retinopathy laser treatment or vitrectomy cannot be applied, thus the vision will continuously decline.
Therefore, if you are suffering from any of these visual problems, then don't neglect it and seek the assistance from a good eye care center as soon as possible.