Eyes are the most precious organs of our body and yet the most neglected ones. Eye problems are growing at a rapid rate in the today's society and about 75% of the population have it. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to hear of visual problems such as Astigmatism, Blepharitis, Conjunctivitis, Corneal Abrasion, Diabetic Retinopathy, Glaucoma and the other hidden problems. What happens most of the times is that we may not be aware of these problems as most examinations doesn't look for hidden problems and these go untreated and undetected.
Corneal Abrasion
Speaking about corneal abrasion; it is a medical term for the loss of the eye's cornea epithelial layer. It occurs due to the result of injuries on eye's surface such as pricking with an object, too much rubbing and even accidentally crushing into a hard wall or surface. Additionally, the existence of foreign bodies in the eye causes scratching because they irritate the eye. When removing contact lenses, damage may occur unlike when it is still intact in the eye. Last but not least, Corneal Abrasion can also be due to excessively dry cornea.
Treatment for Corneal Abrasion
When you sense a foreign body, itchiness or blurry vision with your eye, you should treat it by cleaning the eye, so as to remove any particles of dust or sand responsible for the itchy feeling. Examine using a mirror if there are still any remaining particles and stop rubbing the eye since it might cause any infection that is present to spread to the whole eye.
When the pain does not subside, consider seeking medical assistance. Your doctor will examine the eye for any damage or infection, then remove particles if any are found and make sure that your vision is okay. One may then be prescribed some antibiotics, but corneal abrasions heal faster thus, pain relievers are mostly recommended. Unfortunately, in the case of large abrasions, corneal abrasion surgery may have to be done.
Diabetic Retinopathy
On the other hand, Diabetic Retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that mainly affects the eyes and it is the leading cause of blindness especially among diabetic adults aged between 20 and 74 years. It occurs when elevated blood sugar levels damage the tiny light sensitive blood vessels and tissues inside the retina.
Vitrectomy, one of the type of Diabetic Retinopathy Surgery, is one of the most effective treatments of this eye problem. Patients who may have bleeding in their vitreous gel, have severe formation of scar tissue and retinal detachment Vitrectomy may be performed because it may improve the vision. Another treatment for diabetic retinopathy is the laser treatment.
Diabetic retinopathy may be worsened and can cause blindness if treatment is not immediately made. In some instances, if patient have a late stage of retinopathy laser treatment or vitrectomy cannot be applied, thus the vision will continuously decline.
Therefore, if you are suffering from any of these visual problems, then don't neglect it and seek the assistance from a good eye care center as soon as possible.
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