Thursday, 14 May 2015

Laser Eye Surgery- For A Better Vision!

Good vision and eyesight can make or mar the quality of a person's life. The traditional method of correcting vision is through spectacles or contact lenses. In recent times, however, laser surgery has become a much-sought-after alternative. The laser is aimed at the cornea, the outer circular structure known as iris, that shields the colored part of the eye and the pupil. In correcting myopia, for example, the laser is set to decrease the thickness of the cornea. This makes it possible for the eye to bring images into focus accurately.
Not only does it correct the eyesight but it is also helpful in resolving many other disorders associated with the eyes. Let us have a look at a few of them below.
Laser Surgery For Eye Floaters
Eye floaters is a very irritating and stressing problem which can bring untold suffering to the way you carry on with your daily life besides posing a risk of reduced vision or total blindness. In patients suffering with floaters, the gel loses its form and either condenses inside the eye, or peels away from the retina. As light passes through the eye, the light strikes the floaters and casts shadows on to the retina. The vitreous floaters and shadows are what someone who has floaters sees moving in their vision.
The traditional Eye Floater Treatment used to resolve it is-- laser surgery. Laser removal entails breaking up the floaters using a laser, but this surgical procedure cannot be provided for everyone. To qualify for this treatment, there can only be a small number of floaters, and the gap between the floaters and the lens, plus the distance between the floaters and the retina, must meet strict criteria. Additionally, floaters that are extremely flexible or very large cannot be treated using this method. What is more, laser removal can be quite a risky process, and there is always the chance that the procedure may not go to plan.
Laser Surgery For Glaucoma
Laser surgery is used to help control glaucoma. If you're using glaucoma medicines now, either eye drops or oral medications, you may be suffering from the side effects of these drugs. Some of the side effects you may not be aware of. You may want to get off these medicines but are concerned about the buildup of pressure in your eyes.
Glaucoma eye drops do have significant side effects and it's best if you can stop taking them provided you have an alternative and that alternative may be Laser Surgery For Glaucoma. Sometimes glaucoma medications don't work.
There are many good eye care centers that provide its patients the best treatment for many disorders related to eyes. These centers deal in various problems such as treating conjunctivitis, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy and hypertension in Olympia Fields. So, find out the best eye care center in your area and schedule your appointment.

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